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How to Transform in 6 Weeks: A Lifestyle-Based Coaching Program for Training and Nutrition Success
It has been almost a year since I did a group training and nutrition program and I am bringing it back! This is a 6 week lifestyle-based...

To Much of a Good Thing!
I would love to have you on the Positive Image Fitness team for your training and/or nutrition. To take that first step, you need to...

51 days!
We are 51 days into 2024! Are you sticking to your New Year’s Resolutions? If not why? What changed in the past 51 days? Why is your goal...

How long is this going to take??
Todays post is from Travis Merritt who put together a great message about fat loss, weight loss and how long it can take... Reminder the...

Plateau busters
Rut, Funk, plateau, become stale, bored, etc... these words are all used to describe the same thing people feel when they are stuck. ...

Your Success Blue Print
Fitness is a personal journey that takes us through several highs and lows. Like most of us, we struggle with maintaining consistency in...

Your Success Path to the Last 10lbs
I am super excited to be going live this Thursday, August 17th to discuss your success path to the last 10lbs. Does any of this sound...

YOU are an Athlete
I had this thought at the crack of stupid one morning and had to write it down and share. We are ALL athletes regardless if you have...

Do You Yo-Yo Train?
If you’re trying to get in better shape or you’re trying to get back in shape… but you don’t have as much time as you used to… Remember...

Tips to Speed up your Results
We all want results and we all want them fast. If you are ready to speed up the process I have 3 tips to not only help you reach your...
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