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I am SUPER excited to FINIALLY announce the winners of the past 6 week challenge. Every time I doing this program is just proves to me...

Do you Spring Clean?
As we head into March in a couple of weeks and the hopes of nicer weather with lots of sunshine, I find that is when people start to...

Health = a feeling not a look!
How does the above statement make you feel? I'm keeping it short and simple today but I know that the way you look is not always a direct...

What stops you from starting?
Not to be bold, but I have truly designed the Get Fit Program to give you the thing that makes new habits “stick.” Because let’s face it:...

Day One!
I am keeping it super short and simple today as we are in the last 4 days of 2021. I find a lot of people take the time between...

If you are at risk for over indulging this holiday season, open now!
In case you are not on social media or don't follow me for some weird reason I am going to give you the Coles notes on a holiday survival...

How's your confidence?
I truly believe EVERYONE struggles with Confidence to some extent. Personally, I struggled with my confidence in going online with my...

Lets talk money!
To be honest, the subject of money is a difficult one for me. I am not 100% sure why but sometimes I am totally open and fine to chat...

Are you a self sabotager?
You may already know this about yourself or not, but what if I told you that you are likely engaging in daily habits that are sabotaging...

Its time to embrace what you live in every day!
This blog post was written by Jeremy Scott over at Jeremy Scott fitness and it really resonated with me and I had to share. I think...
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