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How to stay motivated
Today we are taking motivation and that it is motivation that gets you started but what will keep you going, even when you feel like...

Food and Stress
With phase 3 coming into affect last Friday and Positive Image Fitness opening its doors after nearly 4 months of being closed, to say I...

Have you lost your clarity and focus?
So it’s July which means we’re now half way through the year 2020. How have the past 6 months been for you thus far? Sure, COVID-19 hit....

are you guilty of this?
No matter how dedicated you are to your healthy diet, everyone stress eats sometimes. The key to learning how to stop stress eating is...

Don't Do This!!
One of the biggest killers of progress I’ve seen is comparison. At first glance, you might think this is a motivator...and maybe it can...

Bad Days
I wrote about this on my FB page as well, but here I am adding some actions steps that I didn't include on the FB post. I think we all...

Learn how to do life!
IT’S HAPPENED AGAIN… The morning after the night before…you’ve just woken up after a binge feeling sluggish and bloated. You step on the...

Are you flexing this muscle daily?
Here's to helping you have a strong first week of a new month. And a quick note about flexing a certain muscle... Your "Commitment...

What are you feeding your mind?
I believe deeply in the universal connection between the mind, body and spirit and when any one of those areas are compromised, the whole...

Your Weekly Action Plan
Today's post is short and sweet, but super important because while you can never control the outcome of any situation you absolutely can...
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