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How to Set a Goal and Reach It!!
“This is it!” you say to yourself. “I’m going to lose 40 pounds and get in shape. I’ll join the gym, lift weights seven days a week, and...
Is Your Metabolism Damaged??
Despite working out consistently and intensely, plus eating carefully, you’re not losing weight (or not losing it as fast as you’d like...
Why Your Weight Doesn't Always Matter
If you’re about to start a journey to improved health and you have a weight loss number in mind, then we need to have a chat :) Focusing...
Should you run long distances?
I get asked a fair bit if running is good for you. The answer is going to bug you because it depends :) What are your fitness goals and...
How many calories do you really burn?
So this may sound crazy, but don't go to the gym to lose weight and get lean! Say what??? You heard me, the gym is not the primary...
Is Intermittent Fasting Right for You?
In order for fat loss to occur, the body has to be in an energy deficit. This means that we must consume less energy everyday then we...
Make your Veggies taste AWESOME!
Are you always looking for ways to make veggies taste even better? Here are a few tips to try... 1. Use salt (real salt!!) Many...
Workout Hacks
It’s no secret that Hollywood actors and actresses of the 2000’s have some of the best bodies we’ve ever seen. With all the Superhero...
Build Yourself into a better Person
You may be thinking... What's a "Better Person" Let me explain as this is what I'm in the business of doing. BUILDING BETTER PEOPLE People...
Workouts that Don't Work
I get asked all the time; what's the best workout for this and what's the best workout that? Of course I usually give the most...
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