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You are not the Problem - The System Is!
Monday on my FB page I asked everyone how they are doing with the 2021 goals they set out for themselves. If you feel like the healthy...

Still Having Bad Food Days??
Well we are 12 days in 2021 so I thought I would kick this blog post off with a little chat on binge and emotional eating. This is the...

5 ways to stay lean and healthy over 35!
As a population of men and women in our 30s and 40s we are EXHAUSTED and frankly UNHEALTHY. If you are a parent you are likely even...

Help!!! What should I eat??
As we are getting closer to the holiday season of Christmas and New Years I find people start to stress out a wee bit about the onslaught...

Do you stress eat??
It’s not the most fun topic to talk about — stress-eating. We’ve all been there. It’s been a long day, we’re exhausted, and the Oreos...

Food and Stress
With phase 3 coming into affect last Friday and Positive Image Fitness opening its doors after nearly 4 months of being closed, to say I...

Have you lost your clarity and focus?
So it’s July which means we’re now half way through the year 2020. How have the past 6 months been for you thus far? Sure, COVID-19 hit....

Heat exhaustion symptoms
I posted this article on my FB page this week as well, but I know not everyone is on social media so I am posting it here on my blog as...

are you guilty of this?
No matter how dedicated you are to your healthy diet, everyone stress eats sometimes. The key to learning how to stop stress eating is...

Learn how to do life!
IT’S HAPPENED AGAIN… The morning after the night before…you’ve just woken up after a binge feeling sluggish and bloated. You step on the...
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