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What your poo can tell you about your health.
Today we are talking poop! It's not the sexiest of topics but nonetheless a very important one and the authors over at Precision...
Simply life and stop multi-tasking
I have the pleasure of working with a lot of clients over the years, young, old, athletes and everything inbetween. In the last 5-8...
Interesting Study...
So … I’d like to share with you the results of an interesting nutrition study that was recently conducted on mice. Scientists were...
coffee - yes or no??
The great coffee debate – it's a hot conversation in the fitness world. There is so much conflicting information out there whether or...
Tips to get unstuck
We’ve all been there and we will all be there again at some point. Our mindset will shift into a dark period of negativity where we feel...
Why you might be sick
If I asked you what you think is the cause of getting sick, getting a disease or getting injured I bet you could come up with a hundred...
You Will Never Change
So I am taking what we chatted about last week with the question is inaction still a form of action and continuing on with if you choose...
Emotional Eating
We’ve likely all heard the saying, “Don’t grocery shop on an empty stomach.” Strolling through the aisles when you’re hungry can be a...
Make your Veggies taste AWESOME!
Are you always looking for ways to make veggies taste even better? Here are a few tips to try... 1. Use salt (real salt!!) Many...
Build Yourself into a better Person
You may be thinking... What's a "Better Person" Let me explain as this is what I'm in the business of doing. BUILDING BETTER PEOPLE People...
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