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Do You Re-Start Every Monday?

Ever feel like you're constantly "restarting" every single Monday?

You restart because the weekend was a little bit too "fun".

Let me know if this looks like your week Nutrition wise:

Monday - Good to go! I'm restarting my "CLEAN" diet and I'm ready to rock after a terrible Friday, Sat, Sunday last weekend... I'll just intermittent fast in the morning then have no carbs or sugars the rest of the day. Just 'CLEAN" foods...

Tuesday - OK, we're still in this 110% baby! Got all my food prepped and ready to roll. Not feeling all this "CLEAN" stuff, but I'm motivated and committed to get it done (it was hard to pass up the donuts at work, but I did it anyways - willpower)

Wednesday - Alright, this motivation is starting to slip a bit. Yesterday was tough... Barely ate anything with all of this "CLEAN" eating crap... I'm still good though. Holding on strong... Chicken and broccoli for dinner (blah)...

Thursday - I want sweets so bad... I want sweets so bad... Can't stop thinking about sweets! But I have to stick to this "CLEAN" diet! I can and I will damn it! Even though I can't eat the foods I love... Must stay committed... Summer is coming... Gotta get lean!

Friday - Well, I'm excited that it's Friday but damn, I have zero energy... I've only lost a pound despite eating 100% 'CLEAN"... Is this diet even working?? I'm NOT seeing the results I want... Maybe I'll increase the cardio and do TWO workouts instead of one?? Is this how it's always going to be?? I just want a nice big burger, some fries, maybe a pizza, and a cold beer while not gaining 5 lbs from it... (Friends are asking me if I want to go out tonight for Happy Hour too!)

Saturday - Well, I stayed 'CLEAN" all week! Last night was tough but I managed with my buddies at the sports bar for Happy Hour. I had a plain ol' chicken salad and water while I watched my buddies devour a pizza and down some beers while having fun. Me, it wasn't that great, all I could think about was food... That was tough but I stayed strong! I think I'll give myself a reward at the BBQ I heading to tonight... Maybe just one drink...

Sunday - Welp, I messed up! I messed up BIG. That one drink last night turned into two, then three... then four... Just too much fun! On top of that I decided to have 2 burgers, chicken wings, tons of that yummy potato salad, then I even had some of the cheesecake! I caved in bad! Couldn't resist the urge to splurge. I was so good during the week I figured WHY NOT, I've only lost a pound, results are super slow, so screw it! I'll just be starting over come Monday anyways!

Does that sound anything similar to YOU?

I know a lot of people go through that same cycle every week.

They eat "CLEAN" Monday through Friday to only to go completely off the rails over the weekends.

Then, Monday they just RESTART.

That's NOT any way to do things.

You get stuck in this endless cycle and never gain any ground ahead that way.

The fix is to find BALANCE.

This means you don't have to worry about eating 110% CLEAN all the time.

It's NOT about cutting out all of your carbs...

Or Intermittent Fasting for DOUBLE the time since you ate so bad on Sunday...

Or just hitting the gym harder for longer to make up for all the crap you ate (training harder doesn't makeup for a bad diet BTW)

It's NOT about the "ALL OR NOTHING" mindset.

You have to have some "give and take" to maintain steady progress with your nutrition.

But NO ONE want's "steady"...

They want fast and instant progress.

Unfortunately, it don't work like that.

Good thing is I've got a system for you.

A NUTRITION SYSTEM that helps you create balance.

A system that will allow you to eat pizza, burgers, fries, and even have a few beers here and there while never completely stalling out your progress.

On this system you don't have to eat 110% 'CLEAN" all of the time.

You can eat the foods you love and still get the RESULTS you desire.

But, you have to commit to being CONSISTENT.

That's the only key.


Would you like to learn about this system?

Would you like to finally SOLVE your NUTRITION struggles?

Would you like to finally shred off the weight and body fat to reveal your leaner self?

Would you like to finally see some progress from all of the hard work you put in?

I have 2 spot left in my 1:1 online 12 week ELEVATE coaching program

You can start anytime in February

If you want in, you have to be COMMITTED to change.

This ain't about some quick fix diet plan.

This is about learning and understanding HOW to fuel your body for the RESULTS you want to get.

I'll be coaching you on it the whole way through.

STEP 1 is to fill out the no commitment application...

STEP 2, once I have your application we will book a quick 20 min call to go over your application and how the program works

STEP 3 - we get started on never having to re-start on a Monday ever again!

See you on the inside!



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