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The Importance of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

I don't talk much about supplements, but today we are chatting Omega 3's and as we get deeper into the fall and winter months, we will chat Vitamin D as well :)

If you aren't sure if you’re suffering from omega-3 deficiency? The following symptoms, which may seem trivial when they occur, could signify that you’re suffering from an omega-3 deficiency. Even though each one may seem like it’s just the product of aging, it’s important to understand that some of these symptoms could signify that your health could be taking a serious turn for the worst. Remember, omega-3 deficiency is now the SIXTH leading cause of death for men and women—so understanding these symptoms and recognizing their impact could go a long way to protecting your overall health:

1. Cognitive Impairments Studies show that a lack in the omega-3 fatty acids could impact your brain function. It has been shown that poor memory and concentration, inability to learn, and short attention span may all be associated with omega-3 deficiency. 2. Mood Disturbances Although there are many things that could impact your mood and changes in your mood, it’s important to note that omega-3 deficiency may be one of them. Sudden changes in mood, depression, irritability, anxiety, and mood swings may be a sign that you need to get more omega-3 fats into your diet.

3. Excessive Dryness Are your hands constantly dry? Are they red, inflamed, cracked, or flaky? If so, this may be a sign of omega-3 deficiency. Omega-3 fats may provide moisture and lubrication for all areas of the body. And that means dry skin, itchy, red or irritated skin … even thin and brittle hair may be a sign that your body is lacking these essential fatty acids. 4. Stiff, Achy Joints Even though you may get some aches and pains in your joints, it’s important to note that this pain could also be a sign that your omega-3 levels aren’t where they should be. Not only do these potent fats act as a lubricant for your body and joints, but they also supply anti-inflammatory molecules that lower the inflammation that may be associated with joint pain.

5. Allergies You may associate your allergies with changes in the seasons. But allergies may also be a sign your omega-3 levels should be checked. Studies have shown that the omega-3 fats may reduce the incidence of allergies—like hay fever, asthma, and hives. If you’re like most people, then you may have one or more of these symptoms. And that means you should get your levels checked to ensure you’re not omega-3 deficient. And if you are deficient … here are some easy ways to increase your omega-3 levels: Steps For Overcoming Omega-3 Deficiency If you’re deficient in your omega-3 levels, don’t fret. Here are some easy ways to get more omega-3 fatty acids into your diet: 1. Eat More Fish In order to get more omega-3 fats into your diet, you should be consuming cold-water fish at least three times a week. Fish are a great source of the omega-3 fatty acids and may even provide other helpful nutrients your body may need for optimal functioning. Some great sources of fish to include are:

  • Salmon

  • Tuna

  • Mackerel

  • Sardines

  • Halibut

  • Anchovies

Always choose wild-caught fish over farmed fish, because they may contain more omega-3 fatty acids (farmed-fish contain more omega-6 fats) and other vitamins and minerals. 2. Include Other Omega-3 Foods Even though some nuts and seeds may be loaded with omega-6 fatty acids, there are some exceptions to this rule. Walnuts, almonds, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are an abundant source of the omega-3 fats. Also, egg yolks may be another great source for this healthy fat. But here’s the only issue: The experts agree that eating fish is the best and most effective means for getting more of these beneficial fats. And that may pose a problem for those who don’t eat fish. So, what should you do?

3. Think About Supplementation There are plenty of supplements out there that could raise your omega-3 fatty acid profile. The gold-standard in this would be fish oil. In fact, it is the one of the most prescribed supplements for improving omega-3 profiles and cutting down on chronic disease risk. But there is only one problem: Your fish oil may not: 1) contain all the necessary fat levels your body needs (each pill may contain more or even less omega-3 fats), and 2) some fish oil products contain mercury and other contaminants that may prove deadly to your health. And some may just taste awful and give you the unpleasant “fish burps” after just a single dose and no one wants that. That’s why, when choosing your omega-3 fat supplement, you need to choose wisely so you get something that is potent and is pure, tastes great, and there are never any fish burps. That’s why we are pleased to offer you what I feel is the best omega-3 fatty acid supplement on the market today...IsaOmega Not only is it pure, potent, and strong … it tastes great with no fishy aftertaste. I have been using this product for 3 months and love it, but don't just take my word for it, try some today for optimal health and to reduce omega-3 deficiency and let me know what YOU think and if you have any questions about this product I am here to help.


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