There are only 2 directions you can go
When it comes to hitting your health and fitness goals, there are only two directions you can go…
Forwards or backwards.
The question you want to ask yourself is, a month from now, six months from now, a year from now…
Do you want to be closer to your goals (or maybe even hit your goal by that time)…
Or do you want to be further away from your goals?
It's 100% up to you…
And that’s a good thing because it means you’re in control of what happens.
Every time you choose to move your body - whether it’s for 5 minutes or 30 minutes - you take one step closer towards achieving your goal…
Every time you choose to eat a few hard-boiled eggs for breakfast instead of a bagel with strawberry cream cheese - you take one step closer towards achieving your goal…
Every time you choose to drink water instead of cracking open a can of Pepsi - you take one step closer towards achieving your goal…
All of the choices add up and they’re all steps in the right direction…
The reverse is true, too…
When you choose to skip your workouts or to hit Taco Bell on the way home from work…
You don’t just “stand still”...
You move backwards and further from reaching your goal.
Life can be unpredictable sometimes and there may be days where you can’t move your body…
And there are some days when you just want to say “screw it” and order a pizza and drink a couple beers or 2 glasses of wine…
But the goal isn’t to be perfect…
It’s to make more choices that bring you closer to your goal than choices that drive you further away from your goal.
Yeah, “perfection” is going to help you get to where you want to be, faster…
But if you aren’t perfect, (I’m not) it might take you a little longer to get to where you want to be…but
You’ll get there eventually as long as you are making more positive choices than negative ones...
If you’re interested…
There’s a way you can get started on moving closer to your goals with my 6 week Get Fit Program.
It is a launchpad towards building the body you want this year and focuses on hitting the basics - better nutrition and moving your body PLUS we cannot forget about sleep, mindset and drinking water.
Use this link to get closer to your goals 6 Week Get Fit Program | PositiveImageFitness
Here is a quote to finish up the post for you by Derek Sivers - "If more information was the answer, we'd all be billionaires with perfect abs"
So take action, click the link and take steps forward.